Author: Adam Herzog

  • Ultra Classic: the Wayne Gentry Interview

    At the 1991 Gauley Festival Wayne Gentry released Green Summer, his first whitewater film. While Bob Benner called Gorilla “the most bodacious rapid ever run by the elite eastern hairheads” in his book Carolina Whitewater, Gentry and his crew were dropping some of the biggest whitewater on the East Coast, Gorilla included, on a regular…



  • Lunatic Fringe

    Lunatic Fringe

        Stinging cold wind burned my face. The freezing water of the Green River shocked my bare hands, but I pulled my neoprene gloves off. I was about to get in the ring for some high stakes bare knuckle boxing. The river was high, 21 inches on the gage (a normal summer release is…



  • Life and Death Beyond the Edge

    Life and Death Beyond the Edge

    I watched a man die, for the first time, on the Green River.  Witt was vertically pinned against a tombstone shaped rock at the bottom of Chiefs.  I was scouting Gorilla when I heard shouting. “He’s pinned” a panicked voice rang out.  I turned and looked back at Witt.  He was vertical but not moving. …



