Site Zed Journal accepts:
- Written articles
- Photo essays
- Video
- Audio
The subject matter must relate to paddle sports and be original (not published on any other site). In general, we are looking for content that is thought provoking and interesting. We don’t care about that time you ran the shit in Chile.
While we place no limit on the subject matter, here are some possible suggestions:
- Interviews
- Epic trip reports
- Editorials and opinion
- Scientific and technical subjects
- Historical subjects
Site Zed Journal is not beholden to any advertisers or sponsors. We will not publish slanderous or libelous material. If you call someone or something out-cite it.
Site Zed Journal is underwritten by Immersion Research. Published authors are eligible for a one-time 50% discount off an IR gear order.
All pieces will be reviewed by the editor for consideration. We do not have word count requirement, but 3000 words is ideal. Submit ideas, drafts, and completed pieces to